1. Travel - For traveling grace stateside and for the flight over.

    For our luggage to arrive on time and intact!

    Easy transition for our children.

  2. OPEN DOORS - For safe passage and ministry opportunities in Ukraine

    New connections in Romania

    New connections in Ukraine

    Expansion of evangelistic reach locally and beyond

  3. FINANCES - We still need monthly partners to join with us. We are believing God for 50 monthly partners joining with us @ $100/month. Even if you can’t join at $100/month everything helps.

  4. FAVOR - Upon our return we will need to start the process of getting a new visa for our son Gabriel. We need continued favor with the Romanian government for the process to flow smoothly and all documents to arrive on time.

  5. GRACE - To be able to speak clearly and work seamlessly with our interpreters and that a full understanding of the Gospel gets communicated in such a way that hearts are moved and the Romanian people are saved!